Travel Back in Time: Historical Would You Rather Questions

Imagine debating between witnessing the signing of the Declaration of Independence or experiencing the moon landing firsthand. Would you prefer to attend a Shakespeare play premiere or sail with Christopher Columbus? 

Each question is a ticket to a different era, from the grandeur of ancient civilizations to the revolutionary spirit of the 20th century. Whether you’re a history buff or love a good brain teaser, these questions will spark your imagination and transport you to pivotal moments. 

So, buckle up, set your coordinates, and prepare for a thrilling journey through history with choices that are as enlightening as they are entertaining.

Why Historical Questions?

Historical questions are not just fun conversation starters; they are windows into the past that allow us to understand the world better. Engaging with historical “Would You Rather” questions can be educational and entertaining, providing a unique way to explore significant events, cultures, and figures.

Benefits of Historical Questions

Educational Value

  • Learn History: You learn about various periods and events by debating different historical scenarios.
  • Critical Thinking: These questions encourage you to think critically about the past and its impact on the present and future.

Imaginative Engagement

  • Creative Scenarios: Imagine life during different eras, enhancing your creativity.
  • Personal Connection: You develop a deeper connection to history by placing yourself in historical contexts.

Interactive Learning

  • Engagement: Games and puzzles captivate attention more than traditional methods.
  • Retention: Interactive activities help retain information better by involving multiple senses.

Fun and Educational

  • Entertainment: Combining fun with learning makes education enjoyable.
  • Motivation: Games encourage continuous learning by making it feel like play.

Active Participation

  • Problem-Solving: Puzzles require you to think and solve problems, reinforcing learning.
  • Teamwork: Many historical games encourage teamwork and teach collaboration skills.

Contextual Understanding

  • Immersive Experience: By placing historical facts in the context of a game, you gain a deeper understanding.

Historical “Would You Rather” questions provide a delightful and educational way to journey through time. They encourage curiosity, critical thinking, and a personal connection to history. Whether debating between ancient civilizations or solving puzzles about past empires, these methods make learning history a fun adventure. 

152 Historical “Would You Rather” Questions

History can be experienced in a novel and interactive way by posing hypothetical scenarios through “Would You Rather” questions.

These questions help bring the past to life, allowing players to envision themselves within differing historical contexts and events. 

Ancient Civilizations

Ancient civilizations laid the foundations of modern society, each with unique contributions to culture, technology, and governance. From the monumental architecture of Egypt to the philosophical insights of Greece, these early societies offer a rich tapestry of human achievement and discovery.

  1. Would you rather help build the Pyramids of Giza or the Great Wall of China?
  2. Would you rather be a philosopher in ancient Greece or an engineer in ancient Rome?
  3. Would you rather witness the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or the Colossus of Rhodes?
  4. Would you rather be a scribe in ancient Egypt or a warrior in Sparta?
  5. Would you rather experience the ancient Olympics or a Roman gladiator match?
  6. Would you rather attend a banquet in ancient Rome or a feast in ancient China?
  7. Would you rather be an artisan crafting pottery in ancient Greece or weaving textiles in ancient Peru?
  8. Would you rather see the Library of Alexandria or the Parthenon in its prime?
  9. Would you rather learn the secrets of mummification in Egypt or astrology in Mesopotamia?
  10. Would you rather be a trader on the Silk Road or a navigator on Phoenician trade routes?
  11. Would you rather live in ancient Athens during its golden age or in ancient Rome at the height of the empire?
  12. Would you rather attend a play in the Theater of Dionysus or a chariot race in the Circus Maximus?
  13. Would you rather explore the ruins of Pompeii or the ancient city of Petra?
  14. Would you rather be a priest in a Mayan temple or a scholar in an ancient Chinese academy?
  15. Would you rather witness the construction of Stonehenge or the Easter Island Moai statues?
  16. Would you rather be a participant in the Athenian democracy or the Roman Republic?
  17. Would you rather live in the Indus Valley civilization or the ancient Inca Empire?
  18. Would you rather explore the Great Sphinx of Giza or the statues of Rapa Nui?
  19. Would you rather be a general in Alexander the Great’s army or Julius Caesar’s legions?

Medieval Era

The medieval era, spanning roughly from the 5th to the late 15th century, is often characterized by its feudal societies, knightly chivalry, and the rise of powerful kingdoms and empires. This period saw significant cultural, technological, and political changes, including the Crusades, the growth of monasticism, and the spread of the Renaissance.

  1. Would you rather be a knight in medieval Europe or a samurai in feudal Japan?
  2. Would you rather live in a medieval castle or a medieval village?
  3. Would you rather participate in a medieval joust or a samurai duel?
  4. Would you rather witness the signing of the Magna Carta or the crowning of Charlemagne?
  5. Would you rather be a monk copying manuscripts or a troubadour singing tales?
  6. Would you rather attend a medieval festival or a Renaissance fair?
  7. Would you rather fight in the Battle of Hastings or the Battle of Agincourt?
  8. Would you rather explore a medieval cathedral or a Japanese pagoda?
  9. Would you rather be a medieval blacksmith or a feudal farmer?
  10. Would you rather experience life during the Viking Age or the Age of Chivalry?
  11. Would you rather be part of the Byzantine court or the court of King Arthur?
  12. Would you rather witness the construction of Notre-Dame de Paris or the Forbidden City?
  13. Would you rather be a member of the Hanseatic League or a knight of the Templar Order?
  14. Would you rather live during the time of the Black Death or the Hundred Years’ War?
  15. Would you rather learn archery with the English longbow or Japanese yumi?
  16. Would you rather be a participant in the Crusades or the Reconquista?
  17. Would you rather study at a medieval university or an Islamic madrasa?
  18. Would you rather explore the Viking longhouses or the Moorish Alhambra?
  19. Would you rather witness the rise of the Ottoman Empire or the fall of Constantinople?

Renaissance and Exploration

The Renaissance, a period of cultural rebirth from the 14th to the 17th century, was marked by a resurgence in art, science, and exploration. This era saw the discovery of new continents, the flourishing of intellectual thought, and profound artistic achievements, setting the stage for the modern world.

  1. Would you rather attend a Leonardo da Vinci workshop or a Shakespeare play premiere?
  2. Would you rather sail with Christopher Columbus or explore with Marco Polo?
  3. Would you rather witness the painting of the Sistine Chapel or the creation of the Mona Lisa?
  4. Would you rather be a patron of Michelangelo or Raphael?
  5. Would you rather participate in the Age of Exploration or the Scientific Revolution?
  6. Would you rather experience the printing of the Gutenberg Bible or the first performance of Hamlet?
  7. Would you rather discuss astronomy with Galileo or philosophy with Machiavelli?
  8. Would you rather explore the New World or the Far East during the Age of Discovery?
  9. Would you rather attend a court of the Medici or the Tudors?
  10. Would you rather witness the founding of Jamestown or the defeat of the Spanish Armada?
  11. Would you rather be an artist in Florence or a scientist in Vienna?
  12. Would you rather attend the Diet of Worms or the Council of Trent?
  13. Would you rather explore the Amazon with Francisco de Orellana or the Pacific with Ferdinand Magellan?
  14. Would you rather study anatomy with Andreas Vesalius or physics with Isaac Newton?
  15. Would you rather witness the construction of St. Peter’s Basilica or the Palace of Versailles?
  16. Would you rather be a merchant in Renaissance Venice or a trader in Elizabethan London?
  17. Would you rather learn navigation with Prince Henry the Navigator or cartography with Gerardus Mercator?
  18. Would you rather be a playwright in Renaissance England or a composer in Baroque Germany?
  19. Would you rather experience the Reformation or the Counter-Reformation?

Revolutionary Periods

The revolutionary periods were times of profound political and social change, often marked by uprisings and the overthrow of established orders. From the American and French Revolutions to the wave of revolutions in the 19th century, these events reshaped nations and ideologies, paving the way for modern democracy and human rights.

  1. Would you rather witness the signing of the Declaration of Independence or the storming of the Bastille?
  2. Would you rather fight in the American Revolution or the Napoleonic Wars?
  3. Would you rather be a leader in the French Revolution or the Haitian Revolution?
  4. Would you rather experience the Boston Tea Party or the Battle of Waterloo?
  5. Would you rather be a Founding Father in America or a revolutionary in France?
  6. Would you rather debate with Thomas Jefferson or Jean-Jacques Rousseau?
  7. Would you rather witness the drafting of the U.S. Constitution or the Napoleonic Code?
  8. Would you rather be a part of the Boston Massacre or the Women’s March on Versailles?
  9. Would you rather participate in the Continental Congress or the National Assembly?
  10. Would you rather witness George Washington’s inauguration or Napoleon’s coronation?
  11. Would you rather explore the Louisiana Purchase with Lewis and Clark or the Italian campaign with Napoleon?
  12. Would you rather be a revolutionary journalist like Thomas Paine or Jean-Paul Marat?
  13. Would you rather witness the Reign of Terror or the War of 1812?
  14. Would you rather participate in the San Martín’s liberation campaigns or Bolivar’s?
  15. Would you rather attend the Constitutional Convention or the Estates-General of 1789?
  16. Would you rather experience the American Bill of Rights being adopted or the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?
  17. Would you rather fight at the Battle of Yorktown or the Battle of Austerlitz?
  18. Would you rather be a spy for the American Revolution or the French Revolution?
  19. Would you rather witness the signing of the Treaty of Paris (1783) or the Congress of Vienna (1815)?

Victorian Era and Industrial Revolution

The Victorian era and the Industrial Revolution were times of great technological advancement and societal change. Spanning from the late 18th to the early 20th centuries, this period saw the rise of factories, the expansion of empires, and significant cultural shifts, profoundly impacting daily life and shaping the modern world.

  1. Would you rather experience the first ride on a steam train or the opening of the Eiffel Tower?
  2. Would you rather be an inventor like Thomas Edison or a writer like Charles Dickens?
  3. Would you rather attend the Great Exhibition of 1851 or the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893?
  4. Would you rather work in an early factory or be a coal miner during the Industrial Revolution?
  5. Would you rather witness the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge or the Panama Canal?
  6. Would you rather live in Victorian London or Industrial Revolution-era Manchester?
  7. Would you rather be a part of the suffragette movement or the abolitionist movement?
  8. Would you rather witness the publication of Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” or Marx’s “Das Kapital”?
  9. Would you rather work on the transcontinental railroad or the Suez Canal?
  10. Would you rather experience the California Gold Rush or the Klondike Gold Rush?
  11. Would you rather attend a lecture by Nikola Tesla or a performance by Sarah Bernhardt?
  12. Would you rather be a journalist covering the Irish Potato Famine or the Crimean War?
  13. Would you rather witness the invention of the telephone or the light bulb?
  14. Would you rather be a passenger on the first transatlantic flight or the first automobile ride?
  15. Would you rather explore the Amazon with Henry Walter Bates or Africa with David Livingstone?
  16. Would you rather be a participant in the labor strikes or the Chartist movement?
  17. Would you rather see the publication of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” or “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”?
  18. Would you rather be present at the founding of the Red Cross or the YMCA?
  19. Would you rather witness Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee or the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation?

20th Century Milestones

The 20th century was a period of rapid change and significant events, from world wars to the space race. This era saw remarkable advancements in technology, shifts in political power, and profound cultural transformations that continue to influence our lives today.

  1. Would you rather witness the moon landing or the fall of the Berlin Wall?
  2. Would you rather live in the roaring 1920s or the swinging 1960s?
  3. Would you rather experience the first flight by the Wright brothers or the launch of the first space shuttle?
  4. Would you rather be at Woodstock or the first Cannes Film Festival?
  5. Would you rather participate in the civil rights movement or the women’s liberation movement?
  6. Would you rather be a journalist covering World War I or the Cuban Missile Crisis?
  7. Would you rather witness the signing of the Treaty of Versailles or the United Nations Charter?
  8. Would you rather see the first television broadcast or the first color film?
  9. Would you rather attend a Beatles concert or a Jazz Age speakeasy?
  10. Would you rather be present at the discovery of penicillin or the first heart transplant?
  11. Would you rather witness the first computer being built or the launch of the internet?
  12. Would you rather be part of the 1969 Stonewall riots or the 1989 fall of the Iron Curtain?
  13. Would you rather witness the invention of the personal computer or the mobile phone?
  14. Would you rather be a freedom rider in the 1960s or a protester at Tiananmen Square?
  15. Would you rather see the birth of rock ‘n’ roll or the rise of hip-hop?
  16. Would you rather be a spectator at the 1936 Berlin Olympics or the 1968 Mexico City Olympics?
  17. Would you rather experience the 1940s wartime Britain or 1950s post-war America?
  18. Would you rather be present at the opening of Disneyland or the launch of MTV?
  19. Would you rather witness the start of the Great Depression or the end of World War II?

Wars and Conflicts

Wars and conflicts have dramatically shaped human history, from ancient battles to modern warfare. They have led to the rise and fall of empires, significant technological advancements, and profound changes in societies and nations.

  1. Would you rather serve in World War I trenches or World War II frontlines?
  2. Would you rather experience the Civil War era or the Cold War espionage?
  3. Would you rather witness the Battle of Gettysburg or D-Day?
  4. Would you rather be a codebreaker at Bletchley Park or a spy for the OSS?
  5. Would you rather fight in the Korean War or the Vietnam War?
  6. Would you rather witness the fall of the Berlin Wall or the signing of the Paris Peace Accords?
  7. Would you rather be a soldier in the Napoleonic Wars or the Crimean War?
  8. Would you rather participate in the Persian Gulf War or the Falklands War?
  9. Would you rather experience the Blitz in London or the siege of Leningrad?
  10. Would you rather be a pilot in the Battle of Britain or a sailor in the Battle of Midway?
  11. Would you rather witness the signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas or the Treaty of Ghent?
  12. Would you rather be a soldier in the Boer War or the Spanish-American War?
  13. Would you rather be at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles or the Yalta Conference?
  14. Would you rather participate in the Tet Offensive or the Inchon Landing?
  15. Would you rather experience the American Civil War or the Spanish Civil War?
  16. Would you rather witness the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand or President Kennedy?
  17. Would you rather be in the trenches of Verdun or the beaches of Normandy?
  18. Would you rather serve under George Washington or Dwight D. Eisenhower?
  19. Would you rather be a journalist in the Vietnam War or the Gulf War?

Cultural Movements

Cultural movements have significantly influenced societies, reshaping art, music, literature, and social norms. From the Renaissance to the countercultural revolutions of the 20th century, these movements reflect changing attitudes and the dynamic nature of human creativity and expression.

  1. Would you rather be a part of the Harlem Renaissance or the Beat Generation?
  2. Would you rather join the 1960s counterculture movement or the 1980s hip-hop revolution?
  3. Would you rather attend a jazz club in 1920s Harlem or a rock concert in 1960s San Francisco?
  4. Would you rather witness the birth of the Impressionist art movement or the Surrealist movement?
  5. Would you rather be a writer in the Lost Generation or the Bloomsbury Group?
  6. Would you rather participate in the feminist movement of the 1970s or the LGBTQ+ rights movement of the 1980s?
  7. Would you rather experience the Golden Age of Hollywood or the New Hollywood era of the 1970s?
  8. Would you rather be a musician in the Motown era or the grunge scene of the 1990s?
  9. Would you rather witness the first punk rock concert or the first hip-hop battle?
  10. Would you rather be an artist in the Bauhaus school or the Abstract Expressionist movement?
  11. Would you rather attend the first Sundance Film Festival or the first Cannes Film Festival?
  12. Would you rather be a part of the New York School of poets or the San Francisco Renaissance?
  13. Would you rather witness the birth of jazz or the rise of electronic dance music?
  14. Would you rather be a filmmaker in the French New Wave or the Italian Neorealism movement?
  15. Would you rather experience the Dada art movement or the Pop Art movement?
  16. Would you rather attend the first Coachella festival or the original Woodstock?
  17. Would you rather be a member of the Harlem Writers Guild or the Beat poets of Greenwich Village?
  18. Would you rather witness the rise of street art or the golden age of comic books?
  19. Would you rather experience the literary salons of the Enlightenment or the coffeehouses of the Romantic era?

These categories and questions should spark curiosity and excitement, making history an engaging adventure through the ages!


Exploring history through “Would You Rather” questions is like opening a treasure chest of knowledge, adventure, and imagination. From ancient civilizations to the transformative periods of the 20th century, these questions allow us to journey through time and experience the pivotal moments that shaped our world. By contemplating whether to witness the construction of the Pyramids of Giza or sail with Christopher Columbus, we learn about historical events and connect with the people and cultures of different eras.

Each category, be it the grandeur of the medieval era or the revolutionary fervor of the 18th and 19th centuries, offers a unique set of scenarios that breathe life into history. The amalgamation of educational value and imaginative engagement in these questions makes them an ideal tool for igniting interest in history across all age groups. Furthermore, the inclusion of puzzles and games in the exploration of historical periods adds an extra layer of interaction and enjoyment. 

Ultimately, these historical ‘Would You Rather’ questions beckon us to not just ponder what transpired in the past, but also how those events continue to shape our present and future. They serve as catalysts for critical thinking, fostering empathy for different cultures, and nurturing an appreciation for human experience. 

Get ready to travel back in time, make some tough choices, and discover the wonders of our shared history!